TibiaData API

TibiaData API is a RESTful API providing information in JSON format containing information from Tibia’s official homepage tibia.com, so you can build your own small tools.


Get the pure information from characters of Tibia based on your character search!

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List all guilds of a certain world or get detailed information of a certain guild right in your guilds API!

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List all highscores of a certain world and see who got the right skills to top the list in our highscore API!

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List all houses in all the different worlds and towns of Tibia right through our houses API easy!

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The latest 6 months of news and articles from tibia.com throu just a single request. Easy to make us of!

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List all worlds of Tibia or list all online players and more info of your favorite world in the worlds API!

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Latest updates from our blog

TibiaData release v4.3.5

We have released a new version of TibiaData! Changed Fixed You can find the changes in our Changeloghttps://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-api-go/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md You can find the v4.3.5 release on GitHub onhttps://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-api-go/releases/tag/v4.3.5 Kind regards,Tobias

TibiaData release v4.3.4

We have released a new version of TibiaData! Changed Fixed You can find the changes in our Changeloghttps://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-api-go/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md You can find the v4.3.4 release on GitHub onhttps://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-api-go/releases/tag/v4.3.4 Kind regards,Tobias

TibiaData release v4.3.3

We have released a new version of TibiaData! Changed Fixed You can find the changes in our Changeloghttps://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-api-go/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md You can find the v4.3.3 release on GitHub onhttps://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-api-go/releases/tag/v4.3.3 Kind regards,Tobias

Happy New Year

In 2024 there has been happening a couple of things!Some of our highlights of the year are: I’m proud of the progress on the rewrite and new way of how TibiaData is setup and working.I think there will be a lot happening under 2025 so stay tuned for more stuff to come! Now go celebrate […]

TibiaData release v4.3.2

We have released a new version of TibiaData! Changed Fixed You can find the changes in our Changeloghttps://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-api-go/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md You can find the v4.3.2 release on GitHub onhttps://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-api-go/releases/tag/v4.3.2 Kind regards,Tobias