Tag Archives: Kubernetes

Maintenance of our service due to migration

Today it’s finally time for a maintenance of our service due to a migration of our hosting provider.

We are moving after being hosted at DigitalOcean since 2016 to Hetzner Cloud.

For those that are more interested into the technical details, here they are:

  • K3s Kubernetes cluster spanning over multiple datacenters
  • ArgoCD is deploying and updating our components in the cluster
  • Kong Gateway Operator is managing our Kong API Gateway
  • DNS has been migrated to Hetzner DNS service
  • TLS termination is handled by Hetzner Load Balancer
  • IPv6 is now available on our service

If you have issues, please contact us on our Discord server or some alternative mentioned on our Contact us page.

Kind regards,

Deploy TibiaData with Helm

Deploying applications on a Kubernetes cluster can be a complex and time-consuming process, requiring manual configurations of deployments, services, and other resources. However, with the advent of Helm the deployment of TibiaData has become significantly easier.

All our charts are available through charts.tibiadata.com.

Add the helm-chart repository
helm repo add tibiadata https://charts.tibiadata.com

Search for charts
helm repo search tibiadata

The charts-repository is located on our GitHub at https://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-helm-charts.

Kind regards,