Tag Archives: RESTful API

TibiaData release v4.2.1

We have released a new version of TibiaData!


You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v4.2.1 release on GitHub on

Kind regards,

TibiaData restriction-mode

We don’t like limiting our service and do consider fair and reasonable as the best way for all of us.
We don’t like users that are trying to walk around our caching in our API gateway, not respect certain error-responses or exorbitant hammering of certain endpoints.

But sometimes things happen that shouldn’t, which then leads to the collective of tibiadata-users to suffering as of the release with v4.2.0.

What happened?

Due to some heavy use of the highscores endpoint (around 150.000 requests on a 10 minutes period), the creators of Tibia have asked us to implement limitations.

The changed behaviour did create an increase of traffic over 100% and due to the short period of time, it created issues on their side.

What endpoints are effected?

Currently the restriction-mode is only enabled on the highscore-endpoints, which were subject to the large change in request behaviour.

You can still use the highscore-endpoint itself, but you the option to use the vocation filtering is removed and you can only use all as filter.

Will this be permanent?

Not sure about that yet, but hopefully not. We are still in communication with CipSoft about this.

Still want some filtered highscores?

Contact us (preferably on Discord) if you have some low amount of highscore-requests and we can try to figure out a way forward.

Kind regards,

TibiaData release v4.2.0

We have released a new version of TibiaData!




You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v4.2.0 release on GitHub on

Kind regards,

TibiaData release v4.1.2

We have released a new version of TibiaData!



  • character killer parser by rewrite of death parsing logic (#338 by phenpessoa)

You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v4.1.2 release on GitHub on

Kind regards,

Maintenance of our service due to migration

Today it’s finally time for a maintenance of our service due to a migration of our hosting provider.

We are moving after being hosted at DigitalOcean since 2016 to Hetzner Cloud.

For those that are more interested into the technical details, here they are:

  • K3s Kubernetes cluster spanning over multiple datacenters
  • ArgoCD is deploying and updating our components in the cluster
  • Kong Gateway Operator is managing our Kong API Gateway
  • DNS has been migrated to Hetzner DNS service
  • TLS termination is handled by Hetzner Load Balancer
  • IPv6 is now available on our service

If you have issues, please contact us on our Discord server or some alternative mentioned on our Contact us page.

Kind regards,

TibiaData release v4.1.1

We have released a new version of TibiaData!


  • Fix permission issues with Dockerfile nonroot implementation (#333 by @tobiasehlert)

You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v4.1.1 release on GitHub on

Kind regards,

TibiaData release v4.1.0

We have released a new version of TibiaData!



You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v4.1.0 release on GitHub on

Kind regards,

Reminder regarding deprecation of the TibiaData API v3

This is just a reminder for you guys, who have missed our last post regarding the upcoming deprecation of TibiaData API v3.

In order to continue to provide great API to you all while implementing new features without breaking things, we need to deprecate the TibiaData API v3.

TibiaData API v3 will be deprecated the 31rd January 2024!

In the update the 1th December 2023, we announced the release of v4. Go check it out here.


Happy New Year

In 2023 there has been happening a lot in the end!
Some of our highlights of the year are:

I’m proud of the progress on the rewrite and new way of how TibiaData is setup and working.
I think there will be a lot happening under 2024 so stay tuned for more stuff to come!

Now go celebrate with your friends and we’ll keep you updated.

And if you got some questions as to the above or so, get in touch with me and I’m happy to answer it all!

Kind regards,