Category Archives: Changes

TibiaData restriction-mode

We don’t like limiting our service and do consider fair and reasonable as the best way for all of us.
We don’t like users that are trying to walk around our caching in our API gateway, not respect certain error-responses or exorbitant hammering of certain endpoints.

But sometimes things happen that shouldn’t, which then leads to the collective of tibiadata-users to suffering as of the release with v4.2.0.

What happened?

Due to some heavy use of the highscores endpoint (around 150.000 requests on a 10 minutes period), the creators of Tibia have asked us to implement limitations.

The changed behaviour did create an increase of traffic over 100% and due to the short period of time, it created issues on their side.

What endpoints are effected?

Currently the restriction-mode is only enabled on the highscore-endpoints, which were subject to the large change in request behaviour.

You can still use the highscore-endpoint itself, but you the option to use the vocation filtering is removed and you can only use all as filter.

Will this be permanent?

Not sure about that yet, but hopefully not. We are still in communication with CipSoft about this.

Still want some filtered highscores?

Contact us (preferably on Discord) if you have some low amount of highscore-requests and we can try to figure out a way forward.

Kind regards,

Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the gateway handling the requests.

Earlier, we’ve been using Nginx as handler of the requests, but we have successfully switched to Kong API Gateway instead. This is a first step into upcoming changes..

There are two things we would like to highlight so far.

  1. New headers related to caching by Kong
    API requests are cached in Kong API gateway instead of inside the application and with that there come a few benefits.
    Two new headers that are in place which could be nice for you to know more about:
    • Age – shows the age of the page in seconds (not presented if its not cached)
    • X-Cache-Status – identifies the status of the request’s proxy cache
      • Miss – the request was satisfied by being proxied upstream and parsed fresh data from
      • Hit – the request was satisfied and served from cache
      • Bypass – the request could not be satisfied by the cache
  2. Response about page not found/no route existing
    • Earlier behavior, you where presented with a page not found page.
    • New behavior, you will either get a page not found or a JSON response saying there is no route.
    • Future change, you will later on only use JSON responses all the way.

If you want to know more, what the cache intervals are for the different endpoints, you can read our post about TibiaData cache intervals.

Please get in touch with us if you are experiencing any issues and we can try to resolve those.


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the characters views.


  • Characters view
    • HTML changes on broke parser (which caused disturbances)
    • first row of tables was ignored but is back again now
    • implementing support for multiple houses (replaced house with houses)
  • Houses view
    • fixing list of all houses

Credits to all who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the highscores views.


  • Highscores view
    • you do also see what filters where applied when doing the request
    • support for pagination where removed and you get a redirect to full entries list
    • listing all worlds encountered a small issue, which is fixed now

Credits to Murilo Ricci and who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the highscores views.


  • Highscores view
    • does return more items and you can filter with more possibilities now
    • some values have been renamed like type to category

There might be some more changes coming with Summer 2020 update, that I will fix as soon as possible. 🙂

Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the guilds, houses and news views.


  • Guilds, Houses and News view
    • images are now served directly from, instead from TibiaData servers

Credits to Moises Huesca who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the worlds views.


  • Worlds view
    • worlds with records or ongoing 999+ players have been displayed wrong.

Credits to Jakub Kulpa and who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the whole TibiaData API regarding CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).

This means, that you now can run requests with for example ajax towards the API right from your website.

The allowed HTTP methods are GET and OPTIONS.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin. A web application executes a cross-origin HTTP request when it requests a resource that has a different origin (domain, protocol, or port) from its own.


Credits to a lot of you, who have requested this feature in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest even more new features!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the houses view.


  • Houses view
    • beds have need rewritten from spelled to numeric values.

Credits to Lucas Zumpano and who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the houses view.


  • Houses view
    • future prices have been removed and only show the new pricing.

Credits to Alla and Marcin and who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!
