Tag Archives: ChangeLog

Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the guilds, houses and news views.


  • Guilds, Houses and News view
    • images are now served directly from static.tibia.com, instead from TibiaData servers

Credits to Moises Huesca who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the worlds views.


  • Worlds view
    • worlds with records or ongoing 999+ players have been displayed wrong.

Credits to Jakub Kulpa and who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the whole TibiaData API regarding CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).

This means, that you now can run requests with for example ajax towards the API right from your website.

The allowed HTTP methods are GET and OPTIONS.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin. A web application executes a cross-origin HTTP request when it requests a resource that has a different origin (domain, protocol, or port) from its own.

Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS

Credits to a lot of you, who have requested this feature in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest even more new features!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the houses view.


  • Houses view
    • beds have need rewritten from spelled to numeric values.

Credits to Lucas Zumpano and who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the houses view.


  • Houses view
    • future prices have been removed and only show the new pricing.

Credits to Alla and Marcin and who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the houses view.


  • Houses view
    • future prices have been adjusted from being a string to integer.

Credits to Arthur who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the houses view.


  • Houses view
    • you receive future prices on rental through the API now as well.

Credits to Allan Galarzaa and Murilo Ricci who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the characters view.


  • Guilds view
    • guilds with longer than 2 words encountered issues
  • Characters view
    • name of characters with other symbols in URI results in faulty information

Credits to an unknown reporter who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the characters view.


  • Guilds view
    • town of guildhalls missing
  • Houses view
    • the amount of beds was stuck at 1

Credits to Nohus aka Marcin and Henrique who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Reminder regarding deprecation of the TibiaData API v1

This is just a reminder for you guys, who have missed our last post regarding the upcoming deprecation of TibiaData API v1.

In order to continue to provide great API to you all while implementing new features without breaking things, we need to deprecate the TibiaData API v1.

TibiaData API v1 will be deprecated the 30rd April 2018!

In the post of the 15th December 2017, you can see a full changelog comparing the v1 and v2. Go check it out here.
