Tag Archives: JSON

TibiaData release v4.0.1

We have released a new version of TibiaData!



  • Webserver/validation: improve error handling on non OK status codes (#301 by Pedro-Pessoa)

You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v4.0.1 release on GitHub on

Kind regards,

TibiaData API v4 released (v4.0.0)

A long waiting is over now.. today it’s finally time some new stuff!

Today we can announce that version 4 of TibiaData API is released!

Through our API, you can have access to an API providing information of characters, guilds, highscores, worlds and a lot more of Tibia.
You can based on the request provided by us build your own clients to retrieve the information you need.

Changes of TibiaData API v4

Since v4 is not a rewrite of TibiaData like we had with v3, the changes are not as large when migrating.

Largest change to the API is the implementation of better error responses, where you don’t get a 200 OK from our servers anymore even if an error occurred. You can find all the corresponding error codes that you can encounter inside the status section.

The structures of responses is slightly different when it comes to information section, where we now include additional information as for instance release version, git commit sha, status and error codes and more.

Head over to our documentation to play around with our API and get your tools migrated to v4.

The documentation

The documentation from v4 has been swagger-generated, so you can easily generate your own TibiaData client to consume our API.

You can find the swagger.json file in our tibiadata-api-docs repository on GitHub.

There is a swagger-documentation page available on https://docs.tibiadata.com, where you can play around.

The code

As mentioned in previous blog posts, TibiaData is now publishing it’s code publicly on GitHub.

Dig around and contribute to our repo to enhance our service.

You can find all our repos under our GitHub organization here.

We’ve also bumped the GitHub release version to match the API version.

Report issues

Report to us, if you find something that is not correct.
Suggest to us, if you are missing some feature and we’ll implement it.

Thank you!

Special thanks to all our contributors to TibiaData and thanks for everyone testing and reporting issues.

Try it yourself!

Kind regards,

TibiaData API v4 release scheduled

Testing of v4 is ongoing and we are in the final stage.

Our v4 is planned to be release the 2023-12-01!

The plan is to have v3 and v4 running in parallel for a period of 2 months and v3 is supposed to be deprecated the 2024-02-01.

Head over to our documentation page on docs.tibiadata.com and start on getting your integrations working for the new version.

Join our Discord server and jump into the #api channel and let’s discuss there or if you experience any issues 🙂

Kind regards,

TibiaData release v3.7.5

We have released a new version of TibiaData!


You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v3.7.5 release on GitHub on

Kind regards,

TibiaData release v3.7.4

We have released a new version of TibiaData!


You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v3.7.4 release on GitHub on

Kind regards,

TibiaData release v3.7.3

We have released a new version of TibiaData!


You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v3.7.3 release on GitHub on

Kind regards,

Deploy TibiaData with Helm

Deploying applications on a Kubernetes cluster can be a complex and time-consuming process, requiring manual configurations of deployments, services, and other resources. However, with the advent of Helm the deployment of TibiaData has become significantly easier.

All our charts are available through charts.tibiadata.com.

Add the helm-chart repository
helm repo add tibiadata https://charts.tibiadata.com

Search for charts
helm repo search tibiadata

The charts-repository is located on our GitHub at https://github.com/TibiaData/tibiadata-helm-charts.

Kind regards,

TibiaData API v4 beta ongoing

Due to a new error handling, we are bumping our API to a new version since it could interrupt your current integrations.

Our docs have been updated, where you need to select “dev.tibiadata.com” as API server and you can start playing around with the V4 endpoints.


This is the dev environment and endpoints can changed without warning.
This dev environment can be offline unexpectedly.
There is a ratelimit of 2 req/s applied.
The cache for all requests is set to 60 seconds (other timeouts can apply from Cipsoft side).


Join our Discord server and let’s discuss there or if you experience any issues 🙂


Happy New Year

In 2022 there has been happening a lot of things!
Some of our highlights of the year are:

I’m proud of the progress on the rewrite and new way of how TibiaData is setup and working.
I think there will be a lot happening under 2023 so stay tuned for more stuff to come!

Now go celebrate with your friends and we’ll keep you updated.

And if you got some questions as to the above or so, get in touch with me and I’m happy to answer it all!

Kind regards,

Maintenance of our service

We have still seen a lot of requests coming in to the deprecated V2 API endpoints, which is the reason why we’ve had a grace period before terminating those requests.
But since V2 is deprecated and should have switched over the V3 by now, we’ve disabled all V2 endpoints by today 14:55 CEST.

A server restart will also take place around that time, which should only interrupt the service for around 1-2 minutes.

Kind regards,