Tag Archives: RESTful API

Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the characters view.


  • Guilds view
    • guilds with longer than 2 words encountered issues
  • Characters view
    • name of characters with other symbols in URI results in faulty information

Credits to an unknown reporter who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


TibiaData cache intervals

I’ve received a lot of questions regarding realtime data and the cache we use on our side.. so I thought that I will give you some more details!

As from v2 of the API, we’ve implemented a cache, to minimize the resources that we use in for example CPU usage and to lower the amount of requests that poll our service on a seconds bases.
We at TibiaData understand that you want the latest latest data, but when receiving that amount of similar requests, we had to limit it somehow.

The cache we use is a memcached daemon, which stores data in the memory to serve the information faster to you.

Here is a list of the different API requests and the corresponding memcached timeouts.

  • Characters = 300 s
  • Guild/Guilds/Guildwars = 120 s
  • Highscore = 900 s
  • House/Houses = 300 s
  • News/Newslist = 900 s
  • World/Worlds = 60 s

Do you want to contribute with some money to our project? 
Here you can find our PayPal pool for TibiaData:

Best regards,
Tobias Lindberg

Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the characters view.


  • Guilds view
    • town of guildhalls missing
  • Houses view
    • the amount of beds was stuck at 1

Credits to Nohus aka Marcin and Henrique who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


Reminder regarding deprecation of the TibiaData API v1

This is just a reminder for you guys, who have missed our last post regarding the upcoming deprecation of TibiaData API v1.

In order to continue to provide great API to you all while implementing new features without breaking things, we need to deprecate the TibiaData API v1.

TibiaData API v1 will be deprecated the 30rd April 2018!

In the post of the 15th December 2017, you can see a full changelog comparing the v1 and v2. Go check it out here.


Upcoming deprecation of the TibiaData API v1

In order to continue to provide great API to you all while implementing new features without breaking things, we need to deprecate the TibiaData API v1.

TibiaData API v1 will be deprecated the 30rd April 2018!

Because the changes and improvements we do can be disruptive, we provide as much advance notice as we can so that you can be ready to make any necessary transition.
So go check out the documentation for the API v2 to see, which those changes are.

In the update the 15th December 2017, you can see a full changelog comparing the v1 and v2. Go check it out here.

Thank you for all the support and love to our API!


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the characters view.


  • Highscores view
    • selection of vocation returning wrong vocations due to update on tibia.com

Credits to Ollyx (another supported Tibia fansite called Ollyxpic) who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!


TibiaData API v2 released

Today I can announce that version 2 of TibiaData API is released!

Through our API, you can have access to an API providing information of characters, guilds, highscores, houses, news and all worlds of Tibia.
You can based on the request provided by us build your own clients to retrieve the information you need.

Changelog of TibiaData API v2

Changes compared to v1

  • Characters view
    • more details on the house
    • status flag on character itself
    • minor modifications of the json data
  • Guilds view
    • one new subrequest providing information about wars
    • adding flags
      • open / closed for applications
      • in war
      • online and offline players
      • disbanded warning
    • showing url to guild logo
    • changes to guildhall information
    • minor modifications of the json data
  • Highscores view
    • request returns all 300 top ranks on one single request
    • option to filter on vocation
    • adding keys to show filtered values at top
    • minor modifications of the json data
  • Houses view
    • new requests providing information about houses from tibia.com
  • News view
    • separation of requests for newstickers and latestnews
    • fixing a couple of formattings of html content
    • minor modifications of the json data
  • Worlds view
    • minor modifications of the json data
  • Overall changes
    • all integers should be formatted as integers instead of strings
    • requests contains version number, execution time, last updated and a timestamp
    • requests are cached on various lengths of minutes depending on what type it is
    • improvement in response time and optimizing of code

Report to us, if you find something that is not correct.
Suggest to us, if you are missing some feature and we’ll implement it.

Thanks to our testers Allan Galarzaa, Damian Busz and Stefan Ehlert and one big thanks thanks to all guys, who made any suggestions or reported issues of the previous API v1!

Try it yourself!
