Category Archives: TibiaData News

Happy New Year

In 2021 there has been happening a lot in the end!
Some of our highlights of the year are:

I’m proud of the progress on the rewrite and new way of how TibiaData is setup and working.
I think there will be a lot happening under 2022 so stay tuned for more stuff to come!

Now go celebrate with your friends and we’ll keep you updated.

And if you got some questions as to the above or so, get in touch with me and I’m happy to answer it all!

Kind regards,

TibiaData release v0.1.1

We have released a new version of TibiaData!


You can find the changes in our Changelog

You can find the v0.1.1 release on GitHub on:

Kind regards,

Merry Christmas!

This time of year is the perfect time to lay back a little.

Christmas is a time of giving, and even this year I want to give my gratitude to everyone, who has been reporting bugs over the last year.

I am grateful for all of my users that have and continue to use my API and keep me motivated to continue!

Side notes;
If you are looking for some easy hosting solution, get over to DigitalOcean, where I host my staff. Use my referral link to support me.
If you want to sponsor me, head over to buymeacoffee, or contribute on my PayPal pool towards TibiaData.

Best regards,

TibiaData release v0.1.0

It’s possible to easily run TibiaData where you want now, since we are deploying new versions of our rewrite of TibiaData in Golang to both GitHub Container Registry and Docker Hub.

You can easily deploy TibiaData at your home or where ever you like easily by pulling the latest tag.

More information on how to get going, you can find on the file on GitHub.

Kind regards,

TibiaData has gone open-source

Yes you have heard correct!

TibiaData is present on GitHub now and we have started with our rewrite of Golang (v3) to be open-source and publicly available.

So why not check out the code for TibiaData v3 that is currently in beta?
In this case, head over here:

As right now, the v3 is still in beta and we are developing on it. So why not help out and contribute to the project?
All contributions are welcome!

Kind regards,

TibiaData API v3 beta ongoing

There is a dedicated page for the v3 beta existing, where you can see the current supported endpoints that you can start using.

The page will be replaced with a full normal documentation similar to v2.


This is the dev environment and endpoints can changed without warning.
This dev environment can be offline unexpectedly.
There is a ratelimit of 2 req/s applied.
The cache for all requests is set to 60 seconds (other timeouts can apply from Cipsoft side).


Join our Discord server and jump into the #v3 channel and let’s discuss there or if you experience any issues 🙂


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the gateway handling the requests.

Earlier, we’ve been using Nginx as handler of the requests, but we have successfully switched to Kong API Gateway instead. This is a first step into upcoming changes..

There are two things we would like to highlight so far.

  1. New headers related to caching by Kong
    API requests are cached in Kong API gateway instead of inside the application and with that there come a few benefits.
    Two new headers that are in place which could be nice for you to know more about:
    • Age – shows the age of the page in seconds (not presented if its not cached)
    • X-Cache-Status – identifies the status of the request’s proxy cache
      • Miss – the request was satisfied by being proxied upstream and parsed fresh data from
      • Hit – the request was satisfied and served from cache
      • Bypass – the request could not be satisfied by the cache
  2. Response about page not found/no route existing
    • Earlier behavior, you where presented with a page not found page.
    • New behavior, you will either get a page not found or a JSON response saying there is no route.
    • Future change, you will later on only use JSON responses all the way.

If you want to know more, what the cache intervals are for the different endpoints, you can read our post about TibiaData cache intervals.

Please get in touch with us if you are experiencing any issues and we can try to resolve those.


Maintenance of our server

Hi there,

Today, we will migrating the API to a new platform and by that, the IP of the API will change.

The support for IPv6 is temporary removed, so the API will now only be available through IPv4.

It should not impact your except if you use the static IP instead of the DNS in your integrations.


Minor changes in TibiaData API

There have been a minor change to the TibiaData API regarding the characters views.


  • Characters view
    • HTML changes on broke parser (which caused disturbances)
    • first row of tables was ignored but is back again now
    • implementing support for multiple houses (replaced house with houses)
  • Houses view
    • fixing list of all houses

Credits to all who sent the report of the bug in the API.
Keep the reports coming and feel free to suggest new features too!
